Scott B Harris

Scott B Harris is a resilient survivor, educator and youth speaker, dedicated to sharing his insights on overcoming adversity. His journey is a testament to the power of resilience, as he triumphed over a life-altering motorbike accident that left him with both physical and mental challenges. Scott's resilient spirit led him through 15 years of hospital visits, demonstrating a stubborn will to survive and thrive.

In 2008, a sunny spring day marked a turning point when Scott's life was disrupted by a near-fatal accident. Battling for his life, he emerged with a profound understanding of the human capacity to overcome challenges. As a youth speaker, Scott channels his experiences to inspire students and educators, emphasizing the importance of a relentless mindset in the face of adversity.

Following four years of rehabilitation, Scott embarked on a global journey to assist individuals with disabilities abroad in realizing their dreams. Despite living with multiple disabilities, he returned 18 months later, armed with a wealth of knowledge on resilience. Scott shares invaluable lessons with students and teachers, focusing on the significance of responsibility, a success-oriented mindset, goal-setting, and unwavering perseverance. His story serves as a beacon of hope, illustrating that with the right tools, anyone can transcend obstacles and shape their destiny.

John Hattie

John Hattie is an Emeritus Laureate Professor at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne, Chair of the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leaders, and director of the Hattie Family Foundation. His Visible Learning research is based on ¼ billion students and he continues to update this research. He has published and presented over 1000 papers and supervised 220 theses students, and 60 books – including 40 on Visible Learning.


CRASHING INTO POTENTIAL: Giving teachers and students the tools to overcome adversity

In the face of life’s challenges, students often struggle to grasp the journey. Adversity is always present, be it academic, social, or physical, and it stops no one. However, equipped with the right tools, every obstacle can be over overcome. Scott showcases our capacity as humans to triumph over adversity, by picking ourselves up time and time again.

Scott's life was changed after a catastrophic motorbike accident, leaving him with a long battle for survival. After 15 years of hospitalization, the recovery of his injured brain remains ongoing. As a youth speaker, he instils resilience in students and educators, advocating for perseverance in the face of adversity.

After four years of rehabilitation, Scott went on a mission, defying his disabilities to travel the world solo, helping others with disabilities overcome their challenges., After 18 months, Scott came back with a fresh perspective on life. He now shares invaluable lessons in resilience, all around the world. He encourages students to take responsibility for their choices, cultivate a growth mindset, establish achievable goals, and persevere relentlessly.

Scott and Prof. John Hattie have been researching the efficacy of this, and the results have been extremely positive. Prof. Hattie will be joining Scott on stage (via pre-recorded presentation) to talk about the results that have emerged.