Western Australia Branch

A highlight of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders Western Australia Branch is the annual celebration and presentation of awards. ACEL WA honours those educational leaders who in the view of their peers have made a significant contribution to the understanding and practice of educational leadership.

To assist in this process, we urge all ACEL WA members to consider nominating worthy candidates for recognition of their leadership and service to education. The award nomination process is confidential until completed, and nominations have been approved. The ACEL WA Awards committee will evaluate nominations with respect to the essential criteria.

The ACEL WA awards committee will contact successful nominees on the completion of the process. In all cases the Committee Convenor will also contact all nominators in relation to the outcome of their nomination. Nominators seeking further information or assistance should contact the ACEL National Office at [email protected] to obtain contact details for the WA Committee Convenor.

This year there is a two stage process. Once the first stage is completed and the awards panel deem your nominee as successful, you will be contacted to provide additional information including Key Achievements (up to 10 dot points), a brief biography (200 word limit) and the Citation to be read and included in the awards booklet (300 word limit) for the presentation evening on Wednesday 6 November 2024.

Nominations close Friday 23 August 2024

The ACEL WA Excellence and Leadership in Tertiary Studies
This award is made available each year to the most outstanding post-graduate student in Educational Leadership as nominated by each WA University.

Nomination criteria:

  • Each WA University will be invited to nominate their candidate

The ACEL WA Research in Educational Leadership and Management
This award is made each year to the most outstanding research that focuses on educational leadership and management.

Nomination criteria:

  • Category open to all members of the education profession - both individuals and groups
  • Provide specific examples in the supporting statement of the nominee’s contributions through educational research
  • Supporting evidence statement max 300 words

The ACEL WA Teacher Leader Award for Excellence
This award is presented to a teacher and emergent leader who has demonstrated outstanding practice in the classroom and as a result has made a significant difference to colleagues and the lives of students..

Nomination criteria:

  • Category open to all members of the education profession
  • Provide specific examples in the supporting statement
  • Supporting evidence statement max 300 words

 The ACEL WA Certificate of Excellence in Educational Leadership
This Certificate of Excellence recognises excellence in educational leadership in developing and implementing a significant educational initiative, conducting research, or influencing educational policy, leading to improved outcomes for students and/or colleagues at a school or state level.

Nomination criteria:

  • Category open to all members of the education profession - both individuals and groups
  • Provide specific examples in the supporting statement
  • Supporting evidence statement max 300 words

The ACEL WA Pre-eminent Educational Leader Award
ACEL (WA) presents this award to a Western Australian educator whose contribution to the study and practice of educational leadership is assessed as most outstanding at the State (and/or higher level). The documentation to support a nomination should focus on the outstanding characteristics of the nominee and the reasons why this person’s contribution should be judged as most outstanding.

Nomination criteria:

  • Category open to all members of the education profession
  • Provide specific examples in the supporting statement of the nominee’s exceptional contributions to education at a state/national level
  • Supporting evidence statement max 500 words
  • Include the CV for the person being nominated (if available)

Fellowship Awards
ACEL presents Fellowships to those who have made outstanding educational leadership contributions to ACEL and/or whose work has influenced educational practice at a state and/or national level. The Fellowship is a recognition of sustained contributions to the profession beyond the nominee’s day to day role. Members receiving fellowships are permitted to use the post nominal FACEL (WA).

Nominees for ACEL WA Fellowships must be members of ACEL with at least five years standing, or if retired, must have been a member of at least five years standing at the time of retirement. (Please note, however, that the Committee may waive this condition and accept a shorter period of membership in the light of special circumstances or other evidence provided.)

Any member of ACEL in the field of educational leadership or education may be nominated for an ACEL WA Fellowship. Nominees are also expected to have made an active contribution to ACEL.

Nomination criteria:

  • Category open to ACEL members only for nomination
  • Non-members can be nominated for an Honorary Fellowship
  • Provide specific examples in the supporting statement of the nominee’s contributions to ACEL and/or their influence on education at a state/national level
  • Supporting evidence statement max 500 words
  • Include the CV for the person being nominated (if available)
Fill out the online form.