Northern Territory Branch

A highlight of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders Northern Territory Branch is the annual celebration and presentation of awards. ACEL NT honours those educational leaders who in the view of their peers have made a significant contribution to the understanding and practice of educational leadership.

To assist in this process, we urge all ACEL NT members to consider nominating worthy candidates for recognition of their leadership and service to education. The award nomination process is confidential until completed, and nominations have been approved. The ACEL NT Awards committee will evaluate nominations with respect to the essential criteria.

The ACEL NT awards committee will contact successful nominees on the completion of the process. In all cases the Committee Convenor will also contact all nominators in relation to the outcome of their nomination. Nominators seeking further information or assistance should contact the ACEL National Office at [email protected] to obtain contact details for the NT Committee Convenor.

Nominations must be received by Friday 6 October 2023

Fellowship Awards
ACEL presents Fellowships to those who have made outstanding educational leadership contributions to ACEL and/or whose work has influenced educational practice at a state and/or national level.

Nominees for ACEL NT Fellowships must be members of ACEL with at least five years standing, or if retired, must have been a member of at least five years standing at the time of retirement. (Please note, however, that the Committee may waive this condition and accept a shorter period of membership in the light of special circumstances or other evidence provided.)

Any member of ACEL in the field of educational leadership or education may be nominated for an ACEL NT Fellowship. Nominees are also expected to have made an active contribution to ACEL. Members receiving fellowships are permitted to use the post nominal FACEL (NT).

Evidence needs to be mapped against the following criteria. Australian Professional

1.) Standard for Principals:

  • Leading teaching and learning
  • Developing self and others
  • Leading improvement, innovation and change
  • Leading the management of an organisation
  • Engaging and working with the educational, wider community and/or profession

2.) Contribution/s to ACEL

3.) Contribution/s to the profession beyond the scope of professional role

ACEL NT Aboriginal Educator Leadership Award
This award recognises an Aboriginal educator who leads in the field of education. The leader draws on cultural knowledge, community connections and understanding of student learning needs to create experiences that build respect for Aboriginal history and culture. Nominees will have a demonstrated record of inspiring, supporting and advocating for excellence in educational leadership. The leader enhances student engagement, aspiration and achievement. Nominees for this award need not be members of ACEL.

ACEL NT Leadership Award
Leadership Awards are presented each year to individual educators, teams of educators, schools, networks, and professional associations who have demonstrated excellent educational leadership in developing and implementing a significant educational initiative, conducting research or influencing educational policy, leading to improved outcomes for students and/or colleagues in any educational setting.

Nominees for this award need not be members of ACEL.

ACEL NT Inspiring Educator Award
This award honours those educators whose teaching skills, relationships with students and attitude towards their work have inspired young people and/or their colleagues. This award provides the profession and the community with examples of teachers who excellent advocates for the profession and inspire excellence in others. Teachers and students are invited to nominate a teacher who has significantly influenced them during their school life. Nominators are asked to describe in no more than 200 words how they were inspired by the particular teacher being nominated and to include full name and provide contact details, including address, phone number or email address if possible.

Nominees for this award need not be members of ACEL.

ACEL NT Early Career Teacher Leadership Award
This award provides teachers who are in the early stages of their career, generally in their first five years, with recognition for the influence that they have both within and beyond their classroom. The recipient of this award demonstrates a focus on improving student outcomes through exemplary teaching practice, dynamic ideas and a commitment to ongoing development and excellence.

Essential criteria are: The improvement of student outcomes through

  • Exemplary teaching practice
  • Building purposeful internal and external relationships
  • A contribution to leading the professional learning of others.

Nominees for these awards need not be members of ACEL.