PANEL: Technology traps for young players

Samantha Thomas

Keeping kids playing and paying

Samantha Thomas is Professor of Public Health at Deakin University. Her research examines the impact of gambling industry tactics and government policies on the gambling attitudes and behaviours of different population group. She is most well-known for her research investigating the impact of gambling advertising on children. She has provided testimony to numerous parliamentary inquiries in Australia and internationally. She speaks regularly to the national and international media about gambling related harm.

David Gillespie

Teen brain: screens, depression, anxiety and addiction

For the last 10 years, former lawyer and bestselling author David Gillespie had devolted himself to exposing forces in today's society that work against our interests as consumers and citizens.  Beginning with the Sweet Poison Books he followed those up with Big Fat Lies and Toxic Oil.  He then focued on Education in Free Schools, before returning to the topic of nutrition in Eat Real Food and then the everyday psychopath in Taming Toxic People.  Now David turns his attention to another endemic societal threat - the addictive impact of technology on our children.