Middle Leaders Program


Non Member - $2,480.50
ACEL Member - $2,337.50

Group Rates (3+)

Non Member - $2,345
ACEL Member - $2,200

We come to you
We can deliver a customised version of this program to meet your needs.


The Middle Leaders Program focuses on transformational leadership and is built on the key drivers of; Lead People, Manage Process, and Drive Results. The program incorporates leadership skills that build people and culture, authentic leadership processes and systems, and highly effective communication and conflict resolution skills. The program defines the difference between a leader and manager and outlines how to develop and implement a shared vision and goals for your team, while fostering a positive and collaborative team culture that supports innovation and improvement. Middle Leaders will be equipped to establish psychological safety to build authentic trust and the strategy to take their team beyond compliance.


Every leader faces many challenges and opportunities in their work, the most common being when they feel stuck in operational, task-driven work that prevents them from thinking strategically about priorities, change and implementation.

Additionally, leaders are required to balance multiple roles and operate effectively across multiple teams, which can create competing demands and expectations, and requires them to communicate confidently and effectively with various stakeholders, including staff, students, parents and community.

Then there is the need to use data effectively to lead learning and improvement in your school – sometimes while also dealing with conflict and resistance from some staff members who are reluctant to change or adopt new practices.

How can you overcome these challenges and maintain focus on what is important and build a culture of shared accountability amongst your staff? How can you get a robust, balanced understanding of your personal leadership strengths and areas of opportunity?


The Middle Leaders Program is specifically designed to equip leaders with the skills and knowledge to lead with confidence and impact.

With a distinct focus on the direct application of concepts and understandings drawn from current research in best practice, participants will:

  • Discover the 3As of Leadership – defining Autonomy, Authority and Accountability
  • Learn how to build and align strong teams that share a common vision, values and agreed ways of working
  • Develop the skills required to lead self and others beyond compliance to create and sustain collaborative team cultures
  • Engage with professional readings to drive reflection on current practice and reinforce program content
  • Complete a 360-degree GENOS Survey and Report, to elicit valuable insights from colleagues
  • Complete a 1-hour debrief session with an expert coach, to reflect and identify strategies for professional growth based on the AITSL Australian Professional Standards
  • Design and implement a Leadership Challenge to address a real problem of practice in context; collect and analyse relevant data; and evaluate action plans


1. Establish a Collegial Network
Receive feedback and support from a diverse and dynamic community of peers who understand your challenges and opportunities

2. Direct Application
Have the tools to respond to changing situations with confidence and agility, adapting your leadership to the context and needs of your team

3. Demonstrate Your Leadership Development
Create and sustain collegial connection and sharing in professional communities


Continued individual leadership coaching with one of our expert coaches from ACELearn.

Dropdown Tiles


DAYS 1 + 2

  • Engage with feedback from your Genos Emotional Intelligence Leadership 360-degree survey to develop a personalised leadership goal
  • Leading with Values, Vision & Purpose
  • Leading & Managing – getting the balance right
  • Building Trust & Psychological Safety: Creating the right environment to do the right work
  • Instructional Leadership: Leading Improvements in Learning
  • Leading Professional & Difficult Conversations (including feedback)



  • Implementation of your Leadership Challenge
  • 1 hour remote (Teams or via telephone) coaching session with expert coach to discuss your Leadership Challenge progress
  • Connect with your collegial network triad for reflection on progress
  • Monthly online catch-up with your facilitator



  • Driving high levels of Responsibility and Accountability
  • Influencing Resilience and Growth Mindsets
  • Collaborate with collegial network triad and finalise Leadership Challenge
  • Define and plan for continued training transfer



  • Collaborate with collegial network triad and celebrate your Leadership Challenge
  • Reflections on impact of learning and strategies via online survey
  • Define and plan for continued training transfer



  • Receive Certificate of completion email