Collaborative Inquiry for Educators

Collaborative Inquiry for Educators
Title: Collaborative Inquiry for Educators: A Facilitator's Guide to School Improvement

Author: Jenni Anne Marie Donohoo

Your step-by-step guide to making collaborative inquiry work

Collaborating for improved student outcomes makes sense. But beyond theory, do you know where to begin? How does a team gather, analyze, and then implement and evaluate learning objectives while engaging students and meeting school agendas? Without directed guidance, it’s easier said than done.

Aligned to current Learning Forward standards and based on the latest professional development research, Collaborative Inquiry for Educators deconstructs the collaborative inquiry process. This step-by-step guide gives facilitators tools to move teams toward purposeful, productive, and impactful collaborative work, including:

•A clear and concise four-stage model that provides a structure for facilitating successful collaborative inquiry
•Real-world examples from collaborative teams that model components of each stage
•Clear, direct, and practitioner-focused tone with an emphasis on action over theory
Unlock your team’s ability to work together to improve instruction and increase student achievement today!

ISBN: 9781452274416
Number of Pages: 144
Published on: 16 July 2013
RRP: $62.50