Annette Rome, Principal of St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar (SMBG) was previously on the senior executives of Wesley College, MLC, Lauriston Girls’ School and Korowa. Though trained as neurophysiologist, her interests includes the education of young people to operate globally, ethically and knowledgeably. Her PhD, International Mindedness and the International Baccalaureate’s Theory of Knowledge, led to the establishment of a ‘Certificate of Global Responsibility’ at SMBG. She is an IB Jeff Thompson Research Award winner and was a member of the Centre for Strategic Education (CSE) International Education Action Group and CSE Indigenous Education Focus Group and an adjunct lecturer at MGSE (The University of Melbourne). She has written a number of science and education resources and presents at national and international conferences. In 2018 she was named on The Educator’s Hot List in Australia. Annette is an active member of ACEL, ACE previously the Practising Principals Certification (through ACER). She served on the boards of ACE and The Songroom. She is a founding member of the JMB Foundation for young people with acquired brain injuries and was an active campaigner for the NDIS, implemented in 2015. Her passion in education is for the development of young people so that they may become the best they can be for all humanity and the planet.