DAY 3: 10:55 - 11:45
Are we really a profession? Almost, but there's something missing

Presented by: Norman Hunter, Alexander Mason
Organisations: Thinkit Through, St Peter's Lutheran College, ACEL (QLD)

Members of a profession such as medicine or law have an inbuilt sense of status, purpose and pride about what they do, and especially why they do it. This goes beyond standards and codes of conduct to embrace a deeper moral purpose and show how the profession aspires to contribute to it. With that in mind and consulting widely, the ACEL Queensland Branch Executive has embarked on a two-part journey of exploration: firstly to research the common characteristics of a profession, and secondly to see how strongly teaching might align with them.

DAY 3: 10:55 - 11:45
Yanladyi bulbuwul - walking together strong - reconciliAction in education

Presented by: Tammy Baart
Organisation: Blak Ignited (QLD)

The responsibility to move towards reconciliation is a collective effort. To travel this journey successfully, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous people (Allies), must walk alongside each other respectfully with a commitment to do better and contribute to a richer future. To walk together (strongly) we must listen and learn, unlearn and relearn. A process that requires time, commitment, the building of psychologically safe environments, and intellectual humility.

This session will deliver a practical approach to understanding your role and responsibilities as an Ally; providing educators and allies with strategies and learnings to navigate the space with patience, humility, and respect. We will begin by introducing the 'rules of the game’ then collectively building on examples and strategies for action.

Reconciliation starts with education; helping our educators who are creating our future leaders build confidence and competence on Indigenous perspectives. Let’s walk together to strengthen allyship and create a future we can be proud of.

DAY 3: 10:55 - 11:45
Professional Standards for Middle Leaders - Trial of the trial

Presented by: Dr Sandra Nissen
Organisation: Department of Education Queensland (QLD)

Middle leaders play a crucial role in our schools. They are key to the implementation of many strategic initiatives, and they provide a link between teaching staff and senior leaders. Middle leadership is a career goal in and of itself, and for some, it is a stepping stone on the way to becoming a principal. Recognising that the current Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and for Principals do not fully capture the work of middle leaders, the Department of Education in Queensland has partnered with the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) to fill this gap. During this workshop participants will have the chance to view the current draft of the professional standards for middle leaders and to experience some of the activities that will be used when the draft standards are trialled in Queensland during Term 4. Come and join a conversation about middle leadership, and the importance of career pathways and the benefits of professional standards.

DAY 3: 10:55 - 11:45
Leading Through Complexity: An Adaptive Response to Global Challenges

Presented by: Vickie Lester, Justin Simmonds, Susan Keylock
Organisation: Trinity College (SA)

As our world grows increasingly complex, the role of educational institutions extends beyond providing academic instruction. The global challenges we face demand flexibility and adaptability in our approach to education. Our TULIP model - Trinity Unified Learning Innovative Proposition, embodies an integrated approach to wellbeing and learning, facilitating resilience amidst global challenges. Guided by the philosophies of Michael Fullan and underpinned by Mary Uhl-Bien's pioneering work on complexity and adaptive change, our model prioritises organisational flexibility. We delve into how our model, characterised by its unified, flexible approach, enabled our community to convert challenges into opportunities. We aim to inspire and support other educational leaders to view complexity and challenge as catalysts for systemic change and growth. In the spirit of Uhl-Bien's work, we contribute to discourse on adaptive leadership, championing that resilience and adaptability are the cornerstones of thriving schools. We invite colleagues to join us in leading the way towards a transformed, innovative education system.

DAY 3: 10:55 - 11:45
Dreaming the Possibilities: A world where geography doesn't limit education

Presented by: Peggy Saab, Paula Leadbitter
Organisation: Catholic Education Diocese of Wilcannia Forbes (NSW)

This presentation explores the transformative power of dreaming the possibilities in remote and rural education. Through innovative practices, collaboration, and effective resource allocation, we highlight the potential to empower educators and learners in geographically isolated areas. Through the voices of our school leaders, we share the challenges of rural and remote schools to pursue educational equity for all children, encouraging attendees to envision a future without limitations.

We showcase innovative practices that bridge the educational divide, emphasising the possibilities they create. Successful collaborations and partnerships across sectors and organisations are highlighted. Moreover, we discuss the empowerment of educators and learners in remote areas, as access to expanded resources and expertise enhances the learning experience. Inspiring stories of educators using innovative teaching methods to transform communities will be shared.

The presentation concludes with a call to action in re-imagining remote and rural education. Together, we can create a future where geographical constraints no longer limit educational aspirations, turning dreams into reality.

DAY 3: 10:55 - 11:45
Establishing your Digital, Data, and Cyber Security Strategy

Presented by: Adrian Camm, Teagan Collins
Organisation: Westbourne Grammar School (VIC)

In 2021 Westbourne Grammar School engaged in a collaborative and consultative process in creating a comprehensive digital strategy, that combined teaching, learning, infrastructure, and the business and operations functions of our school. This innovative and systematic roadmap aims to position us at the forefront of this space over the next three years.

We will share how our digital strategy was created, the process used, its launch, and how the strategy is being project managed, implemented, tracked, and reported on. We will share the successes of using a distributed leadership model and the structures and support mechanisms we have in place to drive this agenda. We will share how data visualisation and analytics sits within this strategy and how by developing this capability you can enhance every part of your school. Finally, we will explore the importance of developing your cyber security posture, given that the ACSC are now reporting a critical cyber incident every 7 minutes in Australia.