The Agile Learner: Where Growth Mindset, Habits of Mind and

The Agile Learner: Where Growth Mindset, Habits of Mind and
The Agile Learner: Where Growth Mindset, Habits of Mind and Practice Unite

by James Anderson

The Agile Learner unites three powerful ideas: Growth Mindset, Habits of Mind and Virtuous Practice.

A Growth Mindset is the understanding that we can change our most basic characteristics such as our talents and abilities. But achieving that Growth requires more than simply the right mindset, it requires the right actions.

In The Agile Learner you’ll discover how to change your students’ mindsets by moving them along the Mindset Continuum. Importantly, you’ll learn how to engage students in the processes and behaviours that achieve growth and the development of new talents.

This ground-breaking book from Australian author James Anderson will show educators, administrators and leaders in both the personal and professional spheres that the only thing standing in the way of success is the way we think. Once you have mastered a Growth Mindset, anything is possible.

Published: 27th November 2017
ISBN: 9781760565718
Number Of Pages: 182
Discounted member price: 33.00
You could save 13.2%