Accidental Feminists

Accidental Feminists
Accidental Feminists :
How one generation became feminists — by accident

Jane Caro

Western women over fifty are a revolutionary generation.

They are the first in history to have been in paid work for most of their lives. The power and freedom of this financial independence is unprecedented. These women are making their own decisions, spending what they have earned and, increasingly, inherited But this financial transformation is not equally enjoyed. The fastest-growing group among the homeless are women over fifty-five. Women retire with half the super of men and one-third of women retire with none at all.

The reward for a lifetime of paid work, domestic labour and-particularly-caring for others can be a penurious old age. Jane Caro investigates what predisposes some women to succeed and others to fall so heavily. Did they all have the same choices? And if not, why not? How can we avoid leading another generation of women into such an unequal future?

Published: 5th February 2019
ISBN: 9780522872835
Discounted member price: 32.00
You could save 8.6%

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