How to Personalize Learning

How to Personalize Learning: A Guide for Getting Started and Going Deeper

by Barbara Bray and Kathleen McClaskey

This book is the practical manual on HOW to personalize learning that teachers have been craving since being wowed by Bray and McClaskey's bestselling first book Make Learning Personal: The What, Who, Wow, Where, and Why. In this field guide, the authors take classroom teachers more deeply into the journey to personalize learning, giving them the tools, skills, and resources they need to level the playing field and start personalizing learning for all of their students. Practical from the start, it begins with an activity that help teachers, school staff, and other stakeholders deeply understand the difference between personalization, individualization, and differentiation and begin building a common vision, culture, and language that supports personalized learning using the Universal Design for Learning® (UDL) framework.

The book moves readers through a process of steps and activities to begin personalizing learning, each stage leveraging the UDL principles of Access, Engagement, and Expression to create a powerful shift in classroom dynamics by guiding learners to become self-directed, self-monitoring, and self-motivated. Throughout the book are the tools and templates educators need to get started, including the Personal Learner Profile, the Personal Learning Backpack, the Personal Learning Plan, the Class Learning Toolkit and the Class Learning Snapshot, and lesson frameworks and examples that shows how teachers can change instructional practice based on UDL principles.

Final chapters cover the topics of assessment, meta-learning, and guidance on how to build, expand, and sustain one's personalized learning approach in the classroom. The book includes QR codes and links to the authors' website for access to electronic versions of all general and grade-modified tools, templates, activities, and checklists.
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