The Equal Classroom

The Equal Classroom
The Equal Classroom : Life-Changing Thinking About Gender

Lucy Rycroft-Smith, Graham Andre

How much thinking have you done about gender?

What does it feel like to be gay, trans or non-binary at school?

How unbiased, safe and inclusive are our teachers, our schools and our systems, and what can we do about it?

The time is ripe for a re-think, and the issues are pressing. Our pupils are grappling with challenges around gender and sexuality, and they need our well-informed support. Providing evidence, prompts and the space to explore the implications, restrictions and constructs of gender, this book is here to help every teacher reflect on issues around gender roles and expectations in their class.

In this challenging and potent book, experts, academics and campaigners join forces to contribute important perspectives to complement Rycroft-Smith’s own accessible and often provocative explanations of many facets of gender and sexuality, including media, literature, toys, clothing, sexism, expectations, sexuality, gender roles, harassment and consent. Humour and anecdotes are thoughtfully intertwined with fascinating insights into biological and cultural perspectives and societal norms, highlighting why it’s so vital to teach pupils about gender issues, as well as modelling consent, good quality relationships and tolerance to children at all ages and stages of their school career.

Providing clear, practical policy recommendations in an accessible and engaging way, The Equal Classroom is an essential read for any teacher or education professional who wants to ensure their school is a place where all pupils feel truly welcome and able to flourish, comfortable and safe in their emerging identities.

Published: 29th November 2019
ISBN: 9781138491021
Number Of Pages: 292
Discounted member price: 34.00
You could save 12.8%

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