Introduction to ACEL

About ACEL

The Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL) is a not-for-profit company that actively supports the development of educational leadership capabilities across Australia through conferences and workshops, leadership programs, in-house publications, online resources, and a bookshop. Access to these leadership-focused opportunities is available for classroom teachers through to system leaders.

ACEL is the largest professional association in the education sector in Australia and the wider Asia-Pacific region. It has a growing network of more than 7000 members and over 45,000 educators, with branches in each state and territory.

ACEL also partners with like-minded organisations to further enhance the richness of its portfolio of programs and resources to ensure that educational leaders get access to the most current research and best practice in their field.

Our Purpose, Vision and Strategic Pillars

To shape the practice and contribute to the growth of educational leadership through:

  • Providing resonant, authoritative and innovative professional learning opportunities, resources and materials
  • Participating in educational leadership policy development and dissemination
  • Commissioning and conducting research and development that supports and promotes contemporary views of educational leadership at all levels
  • Sharing distinctive, forward-thinking, relevant, responsive and world-class services so as to inspire the profession of educational leaders
  • Providing a platform for educational leaders and individuals who have an interest in the profession to share discourse and research
  • Responding to contemporary issues and public interests through the provision of a wide range of expert publications and research
  • Building the leadership knowledge, skills, understanding and capability of current and future educational leaders.

Our Strategic Goals

We cultivate a collaborative learning community of educational leaders by:

    1. Enhancing leadership capacity through delivery of high quality programs, events and publications
    2. Elevating the standing of educational leadership by recognising excellence
    3. Representing, supporting and advocating for the education profession
    4. Sustaining strong state, national and international ACEL networks.

Click Here to download The Strategic Plan 

Our History

Click Here to read the history of ACEL