Curiosity and Powerful Learning

Curiosity and Powerful Learning
Title: Curiosity and Powerful Learning

Authors - David Hopkins and Wayne Craig with Oli Knight

Year: 2016

Lifting student learning requires considered planning, careful implementation, and ongoing monitoring. Yet there is a paradox in education. We introduce many changes and so often seem to end up with no change at all. The paradox is resolved by working with people to change culture, by collaboratively changing ‘the way we do things around here’. We need to change the school environment so that it is ready for, and welcoming of, approaches to teaching and learning designed to promote student curiosity.

This manual is concerned with changing a school’s learning and teaching culture so that we secure enduring and productive change. In doing this we believe your school has two great advantages:

* FIRST, you – students, teachers, school leaders – are the agents of change for your school. You can greatly benefit from the assistance of colleagues in other schools. But in the end the change is your to make, or break
* SECOND, you are the world experts about your school.
Together with your school community, you are best placed to identify and analyse what you are doing now, and what you need to do next to enhance student learning.

This manual, Curiosity and Powerful Learning, presents specific approaches to teaching and learning that we know to be effective in laying the foundations for powerful learning. Ten Theories of Action – four for the whole school, and six for the teachers – form the centrepiece of this manual.

ISBN: 9780994265319
Code: MCR4681