Teaching With the Brain in Mind, 2nd Edition

Teaching With the Brain in Mind, 2nd Edition
Title: Teaching With the Brain in Mind, 2nd Edition

Author: Eric Jensen

This revised and updated edition of Teaching with the Brain in Mind features new research and practical strategies to improve student comprehension and achievement. Topics explored include motivation, critical thinking skills, environmental factors, emotions and memory. Insights are offered on a number of issues including: Starting every class with activities to put students into a receptive state; tempting students to focus more on learning tasks; using compelling questions, personal stories, controversies and celebrations in your teaching; how seating, room temperature, lighting and noise affect learning; and why stress impedes learning. Educators have so much influence on student?'s brains, they need to take advantage of all the revelations science is providing.

ISBN: 9781416600305
Number Of Pages: 187
Published: 30th June 2005
Discounted member price: 47.00
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