Realization: The Change Imperative

Realization: The Change Imperative
Title: Realization - The Change Imperative for Deepening District-Wide Reform

Authors: Michael Fullan & Lyn Sharratt

Multi-school performance improvement requires a focus on capacity building, empowering colleagues throughout the organisation to move change forward. Written by an experienced administrator who accomplished district-wide improvement on the ground and an internationally-recognised expert in large-scale education reform, this compelling book outlines a step-by-step approach to implementing lasting, positive changes across an entire district. Readers will find: a wealth of school-specific strategies that support effective assessment and instructional practices to improve students fundamental academic skills; do's and don'ts from improvement programs; and guidance on implementing program assessment and establishing accountability. Advance from vision to action to realisation of student achievement!

ISBN: 9781412973854
Number Of Pages: 136
Published: 11th August 2009
Discounted member price: 50.00
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