Dean Finlay
Location Dawesville, WA
School Leadership Experience
Early childhood Settings • Primary School • Secondary School
Sector Experience Government
State/Territory Experience WA

Professional Experience
2008-15 Principal, Ocean Road Primary School
2003-07 Principal, Safety Bay Primary School
2001-02 Principal Consultant, Kimberley District Education Office
1999-2000 Principal, Fitzroy Crossing District High School
1998 Deputy Principal Kununurra District High School

School Improvement Narrative
As an educational leader I have the professional will and commitment to provide the best possible learning opportunities to every student regardless of background or disability. I set high expectations of all staff to work professionally in providing the best possible teaching and learning programs.

When I arrived at Ocean Road Primary School in 2008 I dedicated myself to create a great school for our children and community. In the early years I met with some overt and covert resistance from small pockets within the staff and community. However, through my unwavering resolve I have created a learning community where all members feel equally empowered, students love learning, teachers love teaching and parents are proud of their school and its achievements.

I have achieved this by employing high quality teachers and equipping them with the best possible resources. All staff are provided with evidence and research based professional learning and support in Instructional Intelligence; First Steps Literacy and Numeracy; Literacy and Numeracy Blocks; Guided Reading; the Early Years Learning Framework; the Australian Curriculum; and most recently Visible Learning. All decisions are made putting children first. This consistent whole school approach has resulted in improved student achievement. Our progress in NAPLAN has exceeded that of like schools, Western Australian schools and National schools in most areas for the last four years. In 2013 we began to use John Hattie’s Effect size calculator to measure effectiveness. The tool is used at both classroom and whole school levels. The expected Effect Size in NAPLAN progress over a two year period is 0.8. Last year our stable cohort of Year 5 students achieved the following: Numeracy 1.69, Reading 1.33, Spelling 1.29, Grammar and Punctuation 1.45 and Writing 1.62. We are still not achieving to the level we would like, but we are continually working towards that goal as a team.

Leadership Philosophy
My leadership philosophy is based on the principle that, be it an adult or a child, everyone has the ability to learn. Through opportunity, everyone is able to grow. The higher their achievement, the wider range of choices each person can make. This “Situational Leadership” approach works on the assumption that everyone is unique and therefore require differing levels of supporting, coaching and directing and delegating according knowledge, skills, experience and the context. In this paradigm everyone has a sense of empowerment and control.

Core Knowledge and Skills
Strategic Leadership • Change Agent • Capacity Building • Creating Leaders • Team Building • Instructional Leadership • Emotional Intelligence • Strategic Problem Solving • Empowering Others • Situational Leadership • Coaching/Mentoring • Community Relationships • Partnership Building • Data Literate

Dean's Skills, Knowledge and Expertise:

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