A Summing Up

A Summing Up :
Teaching and Learning in Effective Schools and PLCs at Work®

Robert Eaker

After a career spanning nearly half a century, Dr Robert Eaker – educator, researcher, consultant and architect of the Professional Learning Communities at Work® (PLC at Work) process – has gathered his insights and knowledge regarding the improvement of schools, teaching and student learning into his autobiographical work. In A Summing Up: Teaching and Learning in Effective Schools and PLCs at Work®, Dr Eaker tells the story of his career in education and, in the process, provides a guide full of real-world advice.

As Dr Eaker states, this book is his reflection on how to create the kinds of schools and classrooms for all kids that we would want for our own children. He reflects on the various stages of his education career, including turning research into practice, shifting focus from teaching to learning, studying the effects of teachers’ interpersonal behaviours and participating in the effective schools movement. He shares a personal history of the foundation of the PLC process and the development of the concepts and practices necessary for successful PLC implementation. Finally, he emphasises the importance of passion and persistence in leadership, describing through his experiences how these qualities make leaders great.

286 Pages | Pbk | Published April 2020
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