Adaptive Schools Foundation Seminar Guide

Adaptive Schools Foundation Seminar Guide
Adaptive Schools Foundation Seminar Learning Guide : Third Revised Edition

Bruce Wellman, Robert Garmston

For schools to effectively respond to the press for accountability and provide quality learning for all students, they must simultaneously address two perennial goals. One goal is the professional development of individual educators. The second is the development of the organisation’s capacity to learn and be adaptive. Both build the capacity for school improvement, without which reform efforts will fail.

This Learning Guide is intended as a resource to be used in the Adaptive Schools Foundation Seminar, and in follow up sessions. The Learning Guide is organised generally in the chronological sequence of a seminar.

The Guide is based upon the previous five editions of the Adaptive Schools Syllabus, created by Robert Garmston and Bruce Wellman. The Learning Guide is grounded in the text, The Adaptive School: A Sourcebook for Developing Collaborative Groups, and cross-references to the Sourcebook are made throughout this Guide.

In addition to matching the Learning Guide’s contents to the flow of seminar days, this Learning Guide provides ample space for your notetaking and journalling. The purpose is to make this work your own, adapting it to your own work environments.

Designed to support administrators, teachers, department and regional personnel and staff developers who convene and manage professional learning teams and leadership teams.
Code: CFAS9747
ISBN: 9781760569747
No of Pages: 126
Publish Date: 02 September 2019
Discounted member price: 29.50
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