
Activate: Deeper Learning Through Movement, Talk, and Flexible Classrooms

Author: Katherine Mills Hernandez

Discover what happens when your students step out of their daily routines and activate their engagement. Author Katherine Mills Hernandez argues that movement, talk and the physical environment of the classroom all contribute to and influence students’ learning. The ideas in Activate will help you create a classroom optimised for deeper engagement and lasting learning.

No matter what subject you teach, Katherine invites you to shift your attention from what you are doing in the classroom, to what your students are doing as the catalyst for learning. She provides insights into instruction through real classroom lessons as she gives you the tools to better assess your students’ engagement and energy levels. The book describes practical ways to incorporate movement into the classroom routine, based on research on how an active brain generates true learning.

Katherine welcomes you into her own classroom by sharing vignettes from lessons and activities, opening up the pages of her own learning journal, sharing pictures from her classroom and examples of classroom charts. She also provides a comprehensive bibliography on the research behind the science of movement and talk and how they affect learning.

Published: 16th December 2019
ISBN: 9781760568535
Number Of Pages: 168
Discounted member price: 35.00
You could save 7.9%

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