Quality Implementation

Quality Implementation
Quality Implementation
Leveraging Collective Efficacy to Make "What Works" Actually Work

Jenni Anne Marie Donohoo, Steven Katz

Harness the power of collective efficacy to achieve quality implementation!

Designed to overcome the biggest barriers to quality implementation and, thus, school improvement and student achievement, this book unpacks the powerful force of collective efficacy. The authors examine how this shared belief that the combined efforts of faculty members can positively influence student outcomes, is instrumental to establishing evidence-based practices for lasting change. In addition to a helpful conceptual framework to visualize key components, readers will discover:

* Ways to create environments that tap into mastery as the number one source of collective efficacy 
* Methods to strengthen vicarious experiences through observational learning
* Examination of social persuasion and affective states as additional sources of collective efficacy

Published: 23rd July 2019
ISBN: 9781544354255
Number Of Pages: 128
Discounted member price: 47.00
You could save 9.6%

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