Passionate Leadership

Passionate Leadership :
Creating a Culture of Success in Every School

Salome Thomas-EL, Joseph Jones, T.J. Vari

Mandates such as NCLM and RTTT have been externally imposed on educators often causing a rift in their sense of ownership of their craft. These mandates can also have a chilling effect on motivation and the passion educators had when they first entered the profession. This book is written to help those teachers and school leaders rekindle their passion and re-claim that ownership. The goal of the authors is to motivate educators to become the best teachers and leaders that they can be. It will inspire leaders newly commit to taking courageous actions that will lead to student success and growth. This book is a call to action for teachers and principals around the world to recommit to becoming the most passionate educators and leaders we know our children deserve. The authors offer a blueprint for success by providing numerous practical ideas, how-to's, and suggestions from successful, passionate practitioners.

Published: 10th July 2019
ISBN: 9781544345697
Number Of Pages: 216
Discounted member price: 46.00
You could save 9.8%

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