Being a Primary Teacher : Moving From Trainee to NQT

Being a Primary Teacher : Moving from Trainee to NQT

Bronwen Cullum

Being a Primary Teacher provides key advice on preparing for and undertaking final placements, securing the first teaching post and getting ready for the first class, through to the first year of teaching. Throughout the book, Bronwen Cullum draws on her years of experience teaching in primary schools and in a university working with trainee teachers to provide guidance and support for teachers.

Divided into three parts, the book explores the various challenges that those learning to be teachers face in the early stages of their career. It includes numerous practical examples, useful resources and templates as well as check lists at the end of each chapter. The chapters explore essential topics including:

* applying for a job and preparing for interviews;
* building and managing relationships in the classroom and with staff;
* the transition from training to the first job as a primary school teacher;
* preparation for the progress of children;
* looking after yourself.

This book is an essential read for trainees and newly qualified teachers wanting to enhance their professional development and maximise their potential so that they can fully enjoy the profession of teaching.

158 Pages | Pbk | Published March 2020
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