Summit Host


With a professional background in social work, Carolyn worked for 12 years in community education roles for the state government including the NSW Ombudsman and Public Guardian. Carolyn has taught disability studies at TAFE and Western Sydney University and worked for the University of NSW as a research associate on the first evaluation of individualised funding in NSW in 2008.

Since then Carolyn has been supporting people with disability and the sector to prepare for change in her roles as a Living Life My Way Champion, Senior Facilitator at My Choice Matters’ leadership program and as a Client Services Coordinator at Muscular Dystrophy NSW. Now a consultant trainer for a range of clients including the Physical Disability Council of NSW, Carolyn is well known for her peer support, networking and ability to relate to any audience.

A proud Aunty and papercrafts enthusiast, Carolyn combines her lifelong lived experience of physical disability with a strong knowledge of self-management and empowerment tools for people with disability.