Will Federal Funds Complement Local Initiatives?

ACEL welcomes legislation that signals Federal Government recognition that schools with students with particular needs require additional funds to guarantee valuable services and programs.

Recognition of, and respect for, local decisions that results in successful services and programs being accelerated or extended should be the intention of the Federal Government when guaranteeing these additional funds.

“It is hoped that funds will be directed to schools and systems to boost local initiatives rather than be tied to Federal programs and expectations.

“In the past, additional funds have been provided to schools to implement particular programs or resources that have been in either conflict with, or addition to, successful local initiatives.” said ACEL spokesperson.

Schools are currently providing exceptional care and services for indigenous students and students impacted by disability without confidence of continued funding.

This guarantee of funds means schools will be able to confidently plan for and extend services that are already in place.

The Australian Education Amendment Act 2014, provides an extra $6.8 million for non-government schools that have significant numbers of Indigenous boarding students from remote areas and protects $2.4 million for students with disability.

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