Coaching Conversations

Coaching Conversations
Transforming Your School One Conversation at a Time

Linda M. Gross Cheliotes, Marceta F. Reilly

Being a successful school leader has become an increasingly complex role that demands not only tremendous craft knowledge and skills but also highly developed interpersonal skills. This revision of the perennial best seller, Coaching Conversations: Transforming Your School One Conversation at a Time provides a simple handbook for school leaders that will provide them with effective coaching conversational techniques that will engage and motivate the members of their school communities to work collaboratively toward total school transformation.

Both research and the extensive experiences of the authors suggest that a very effective and inexpensive strategy to provide support and motivate staff as the entire school community transforms, is through simple yet powerful coaching conversations between the school leader and staff.

Nature of Content: Coaching Conversations: Transforming Your School One Conversation at a Time is meant to provide school leaders at all levels with simple, practical, easily learned and applied coach-like conversational techniques that will lead to open and reflective conversations with all members of the school community. The authors will distinguish coaching conversations from supervisory and mentoring conversations. Although these other forms of interactions have legitimate places in the interactions which take place within the school community, coaching conversations have the unique power to change the ways in which people think and interact in a positive manner that shifts responsibility for instructional improvement from just the school leader to every member of the school community. Because everyone potentially shares in the transformation of the school, they also share in the celebration of successful changes.

128 Pages | Pbk

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